“A while back, the countertechnician at the CountyBuilding + Safety Officegave me the approved, butnow-expired set of plans tothis project. He told methat it seemed wrong to justthrow the plans away. Thatit seemed more like artthan just a standard set ofhouse plans. I took that asa distinct honor that thecounter technicianacknowledged my effort - Ididn’t even think that theylooked at the plans in theirfiles. And what’s more washe held on to them forseveral months until I came back in.”
“The client told me that they’dinterviewed Marmol + Radziner for thecommission, which indicated that theywere interested in doing a project ofarchitectural significance. The clientwas a young creative couple; as such,they let me have a lot of artisticfreedom.”The client became so caught up in thespirit of the project, that they evenenlisted Robin Poirier to build it. Robin is the only contractor to havebuilt both John Lautner and BartPrince projects.The client created their own websitededicated to the project :